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 Spammer Land rules

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Posts : 74
Join date : 2011-08-31
Age : 24
Location : at Xtm Chatting

Spammer Land rules Empty
PostSubject: Spammer Land rules   Spammer Land rules EmptyWed Aug 31, 2011 4:31 pm

Be sure to first review our Forum Rules

These rules have been revised from the original version, and are to be taken seriously. Yay?

Spammer Land's Frequently Asked Questions:

What is SL?

Spammer Land (abbreviated as "SL") is the only place on Exterminate Forums where you may post for the sheer sake of posting. There are no requirements for structure or grammar (although they are recommended so people actually know what you're saying), and there are lower restrictions compared to the rest of the forums.

Is SL Regularily Monitered?

Yes. Spammer Land, though highly active and "fun", is monitored very closely by the Forum Staff, and several of them are regular visitors. Do not be under the misconception that a moderator must be online to catch a breach in protocol - the report button functions in SL aswell, and members will not hesitate to utilize it when necessary.

Can you double post in SL?

Yes. In Spammer Land you can double, triple, even octouple post if you want to. You can make any post that is considered "spam". This includes advertising (not outwar, or similar) and posting "B".

Do you have to spam in SL?

No, certainly not. If you have a topic that seems too irrelevant for Irrelevance, does not fit under the descriptions of the rules of the other forums or is just plain space-consuming (the dozens of SC threads, for example), you are more than welcome to post it here.

Do you have to even come to SL?

Of course not. Presence in any of the forums is completely optional.

SL Do's and Don't's

DO NOT Swear in any way shape or form other than covering the word in a FULL set of asterics (the shift eight button, seen as *).
Note- Swearing includes leaving part of a word uncovered, so if "Jibberish" were a swear and you left the 'j' uncovered, you would be swearing.

DO NOT Post hateful messages of any kind. This includes saying things like "go away no one likes you..." or "you "suck"..." or "your momma..." or "never post again, n00b".

DO NOT Start fights with other members about things you know will get them mad (this is trolling).

DO NOT Post anything which is pornographic or pornographically suggestive, including links.

DO NOT Attempt to start disorder. This means posting anything like "let's start a revolution and get rid of all the oldies" or "Skye you are evil and we will spam insults at you". Spreading public hate and similar actions are completely unacceptable.
Note: We are not responsible for the emotions of others. If you hate someone here, work it out yourself, NOT HERE.

DO Post as often as you want.

DO Enjoy your time here, it's not meant to be a graveyard.

DO Obey all of the SL rules.
Flooding is perfectly alright. There is absolutely nothing in the rules that says there is anything wrong with it. This is SpammerLand. If you think it is ruining SL, then maybe you should venture into one of the other forums. Flooding and spamming is what SL is all about. So quit reporting it.

However, anyone found to be spamming these forums with a program to the point that the server lags and people are unable to post will be warned and asked to stop once, and if they continue, will be permanently banned with no chance of appealing.

Forum flooding here is perfectly acceptable, but when the forum starts to be affected, it becomes unacceptable.

This rule will not hurt you if you don't abuse it to the highest possible point. Feel free to continue flooding, but you should keep it to a minimum that does not make the server lag.

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Any posts made for the sole purpose of pointing out another that member is on their ignore list is considered trolling. I.E.
Will earn you a 1 week ban.
Final Notes:

Understand that Spammer Land is not completely detached from Exterminate - the rules in this thread and the "guidelines" in the accompanied sticky are to be adhered to. Also note that, unless otherwise stated in one of these stickies, all rules in the "General" Forum's Sticky also apply.
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