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 The rules. READ THEM

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Posts : 74
Join date : 2011-08-31
Age : 24
Location : at Xtm Chatting

The rules. READ THEM Empty
PostSubject: The rules. READ THEM   The rules. READ THEM EmptyWed Aug 31, 2011 3:38 pm

*Copyright to Xgen Forums Rules, Copied to Stick's Forums Rules*

Register only ONE (inoffensive) username only. Do not log on to any other screen name but your own. Do not let anyone else log onto your screen name. Accounts are permanent, and will not be deleted under any circumstances once used.
Commercial Advertising of any type is not permitted on this forum. Any user posting advertising of any kind will be permanently banned and may not appeal.
Flaming, trolling, offensive posting, flooding, spamming, etc. will not be tolerated and will result in infraction/ban. For detailed descriptions see below.
Major Offences: Posting/Distributing inappropriate pictures (e.g. pornography, this includes images/animations that do not actually show body parts, but imply a strong sexual undertone), mass spamming, extreme language and flaming, or any other major disregard of the rules will result in an instant permanent-ban.
Laws of the Land: While Exterminate is its own forum (and therefore is not a "free country", and has its own rules as outlined below), it is run in and visited by people in United Kingdom and the United States. Thus, this forum adheres to the laws of the land for these countries where applicable. Many of these laws are irrelevant (we don't care if you talk about drugs), but those which do apply (child pornography) will not be ignored. Please take this into account when using these forums.



Each user is permitted ONE and only ONE account, and each account may be used by ONE and only ONE person. NO EXCEPTIONS. Anyone caught creating or using an additional account or allowing others to use their account** FOR ANY REASON will be permanently banned. If you have created an account and cannot post, DO NOT CREATE ANOTHER ACCOUNT - please see this thread. Anyone claiming to have multiple accounts will be considered truthful unless otherwise proven.

** This includes posting on behalf of a banned user

IMPORTANT: If anyone who uses the same computer or internet connection as you (eg, a sibling or friend) wishes to create or use an account on these forums, you must notify the moderators in advance. Otherwise, both accounts will be banned since it will appear as if you have created a second account. Please send a private message to at least one member of the moderation team (or myself) with the desired username and your relationship to the person who will be using the account. They will respond when you have been added to the cleared list and let you know it is safe to proceed.

*NOTE REGARDING PROXY SERVERS* Users accessing the forum via proxy servers will frequently be identified by our system as having multiple accounts, since other users may have used the same proxy server in the past. It is therefore advised that you do not access the forum using a proxy server. AOL users accessing the forum via the official AOL proxy server are exempt from this policy.


The Exterminate forum is open to posters of all ages. Posts of a blatantly offensive, illegal, or otherwise inappropriate nature are not allowed. This includes, but is not limited to:

Using vulgar, profane, or sexually explicit language. Attempts to evade the swear filter (by intentionally misspelling, using 1337-speak, or partially censoring swear words, for example) will result in a particularly harsh penalty. This includes posting pictures with uncensored profanity.
Swearing in code (e.g. spelling out words making each letter the first letter of a word), or swearing in foreign languages.
Using race, religion, sexual orientation, culture, ethnicity, disability, nationality, forum join date, or gender as a means of insult
Using threatening, harassing, defamatory, hate-speech, or libelous language
Posting or requesting links to (or material from) pornographic, obscene, illegal, or hate-speech web sites
Posting links to web sites with potentially offensive content without a clear warning
Descriptions or details about any sexual acts or sexual organs.
Posting links to illegal software or providing sites, keys, warez, cracks, keygens downloads, etc.General discussion on where to obtain such is still allowed, so long as no specific details are provided.
Plotting the spamming/raiding of another forum/website/message board


Posts clearly insulting other board members, directly or indirectly, are not allowed. This includes, but is not limited to:

Name-calling ("You\'re an idiot", "You moron")
Direct insults ("Screw you")
Offensive orders ("Go kill yourself")
Insinuations ("Are you stupid or something?") or insults toward family members ("Your mom...")
Hit lists

In addition, do NOT flame "newbs." Treat them the way you'd want to be treated.


Posts intended solely to annoy or offend other posters by going against the clear nature of a board or topic is not allowed. This includes, but is not limited to:

Provoking other users to respond with flames
Making misleading topic titles
Asking obviously useless questions
Posting false information as fact
"Spoof" Threads
Informing users that you have reported their post
Flooding with the intent of disrupting forum activities
Posting only for the sake of informing other users that they are on your ignore list


Posts that do not contribute to forum discussions or distract from ease of reading are not allowed. This includes, but is not limited to:

Posts that clearly advertise a service or product
Repeated web site advertisements
Scams, chain letters, and pyramid schemes
Posting links to games like "OUTWAR".
References to "The Game".
Posting one or few worded posts
Posting multiple messages in succession. (use the EDIT button to add to your post)
Off-topic posting
A post that contains no real words (exclusively random symbols, emoticons, 1337-speak, etc)
A post simply telling someone that their post is spam (it is spam itself)
A post telling someone their post is breaking the forum rules (report the post to the moderators instead)
Posting to ask a question that could be answered by a simple google search
Posting "+1 Post" "postcount +1" or similar.
"Parroting" another user (posting the same thing/similar as another user above) – This includes quoting their post and posting “I agree” or similar.


Posts that disrupt the message boards for other users are prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to:

Utilizing any form of bot/script/automated process to post repeatedly on the fourm
Posts with large spacing
"Bumping" older topics (posting in them well after the last post - 2 weeks as a general guide)
Deleting and reposting the same (or similar) things.
Posting multiple, identical, or near-identical messages or topics, including "fad" topics
Intentionally hard-to-read topic titles (i.e. ALL CAPS, ToGgLeD cApS, no spaces, no or excessive punctuation, 1337 speak, etc.)
Posting multiple, hard-to-read messages in a single (or multiple) topics
Posting (either in a thread or in your signature) autoplaying flash/videos with sounds. Any source of audio must have a "play" button – INCLUDING SPAMMERLAND.
Posts requesting moderator action e.g. "Request Lock" (Use the post report button)
Posting in ‘Adbot’ Threads (Scam threads/advertising threads, etc) – Please report the post to the moderators and move on.


Users will be immediately banned (along with any associated accounts) for impersonating other boards users by creating and/or using a message board account with a name clearly intended to impersonate, mock, or antagonize another user, or otherwise falsely claim to be another message board member. Anyone found using the avatar and/or signature of a moderator/administrator after being given a light reminder via PM will be given a warning. His/her avatar/signature will be automatically removed as well.

Spammer Land is unique. Anything reasonable, inoffensive, and not directly harmful to others can be posted in Spammer Land. Please see the Spammerland Rules (posted in that forum) for specific details.


While we moderators do as much as we can to keep the forums running smoothly, we can't catch everything. If you find a post that breaks the rules, please report it by clicking the post report button (). Please use the post report button rather than contacting a moderator via email/IM/pm as this allows the first available moderator to respond.

In the event that something requires immediate moderation (highly graphic images, etc), Most moderators' screen names (and email address) can be found in their profiles. You can also click the "View forum leaders" button at the bottom of the forums or go to this post to view a list of the current moderators and administrators.
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